Team running & passing/shooting practice
Every Tuesday evening.
30-45 min running bleachers
30-45 min passing and shooting
Location: TBA.
Wall Drills for Bobby
WALL BALL is a practice technique used by many of today's top players to develop
their weak hand as well as their strong hand. It's also a great way to break in and
get used to your pocket.
Stand about ten feet from a wall.
50 repetitions with right hand (Throw and catch)
50 repetition with left hand (Throw and catch)
25 repetitions -Throw left catch right
25 repetitions -Throw right catch left
Stand about 5 feet from the wall for the one-handers*
50 repetitions -One hand right handed
50 repetitions -One hand left handed
50 repetitions -2 hand quicksticks right hand
50 repetitions -2 hand quicksticks left hand
*Better for later in the drill as fatigue sets in
50 repetitions -Behind the back right handed
50 repetitions -Behind the back left handed
50 repetitions -Left hand sidearm
50 repetitions -Right hand sidearm
Keep doing wall drills, and it won't take long before you notice a big difference